Pole Dancers Blog

Gear Up for Success: A Beginner's Guide to Pole Dancing Equipment
Perfect your Pole Presentation and be Ready to Dance! Whether you are starting pole dancing classes as a beginner or are looking for the essentials to get you ready to take on dancing at a club, having the correct gear...
Types of Pole Dancing Shoes and Why We Like Them!
Pole dancing can be done for fitness, as a hobby, or as a profession. From beginners to advanced professionals, pole dancing has many amazing elements that are enhanced by choosing the perfect high heel. From an addition to your physique...
Spin Your Way Into Her Heart With Valentine’s Gifts For Your Pole Dancer Love!
If you are looking for inspiration for a valentine's gift for the pole dancer who has everything, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you want something romantic or a fun trinket to represent her love of all things pole...
Empowerment and Artistry in Motion; The Answers to all your Pole Shoe Questions
Everything you need to know about these exotic footwear!  With so many elements to pole dancing demanding the correct footwear, the choices can easily become overwhelming. Putting aside the need for style and eye-catching stage presence, the perfect pole dancing...
The History of Pole Dancing
A beautiful visual art form for all to enjoy! Pole dancing is easily recognizable as one of the largest dance communities in the world, and knowing its origins can expand your understanding and respect for this physical art form. Whether...
How to Stretch Your Pole Dancing Shoes
The best ways to make your pole dancing shoes fit your foot! So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and purchase yourself a pair of pole dancing high heels from Pleaser, Hella Heels, or another awesome pole dancing shoe brand,...
Top Pole Dancing Shoe Brands: The Best Alternatives to Pleasers
Pole Dancing Essentials: Discover the Best Shoe Brands Pole dancing is an amazing combination of acrobatics and dance that looks beautiful and increases confidence! Whether for sport, work, or fun, pole dancing is a great way to get your body...
Pole Dancing Shoes for Beginners: Make the Best Choice to Start Your Dancing Journey!
Pole Dancer Shoes for Beginners For pole dancing beginners, the correct shoe is the best place to start to ensure that you are reaching your full potential. Without a well-fitting, comfortable shoe, you will be lacking the security and confidence...
Everything You Need to Know About Pleaser Shoes
Everything You Need to Know About This Sexy Brand! WHO IS PLEASER SHOES? WHAT IS THEIR HISTORY? Operating out of South California, Pleaser is an adaptable brand that offers a huge range of shoes perfect for not only pole dancing,...
How to Clean and Care Your Pleaser Shoes
Maintaining your Pleaser High Heels in a few simple steps!   Pleaser shoes are one of the most coveted sexy footwear brands in the world, perfect for pole dancing, burlesque performers, strippers, special occasions, and any other event you can...
Best Pole Dance Studious in Sydney
Sydney Pole dancing is a full body workout that not only gets your heart rate up, but also encourages you to embrace your sexuality and have fun moving your body! With classes open to both men and women, you can...
Discover the Best Pole Dancing Studios in Brisbane
Discover the Joy of Pole Dancing in Brisbane Pole dancing is a fun and inclusive way to gain confidence, fitness, and friendships for people of all ages and fitness levels! Whether you are a beginner looking to branch into something...

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Everything About Pole

If you are desperate to know how to perfectly size your next pair of Pleaser heels or want to know what shoe to buy if you are a beginner pole dancer, take a scroll through the Pole Dancer blog posts and find what you are looking for! Read some awesome pole dancing shoe style advice, find pole dancing competitions near you, and even take advantage of the comment section on each blog to start a conversation; no matter how you consume a Pole Dancer blog, you’ll be having fun!