joining the pole community

Joining the Pole Dance Community

Become a Part of Huge Pole Community

There are countless benefits to Pole Dancing, but perhaps the most amazing for your mental health is the huge community you become a part of! Filled with like-minded individuals of all ages and backgrounds, the Pole dancing community is a very open and welcoming group that boosts your confidence and skill level! 

Is the pole dance community open to everyone?

Absolutely! With Pole classes being run and operated by professional teachers around the country, pole dance Australia has a huge following of men, women, and non-binary Pole dancers that are all eager to learn! Whether you are a male pole dancer, a female exotic dancer, or non-binary, people of all ages and skill levels are welcome to participate!

How is the community a benefit of Pole dancing?

Well, by being a part of a community, you will feel your physical and mental health being improved by the general goodness of being surrounded by other dancers! There are many benefits of joining this community, including:

  • New friendships with other pole dancers 
  • Support from teachers and students at the same and other skill levels
  • Engagement with peers boosts joy levels
  • Being part of a team regardless of your skill level
  • Joining classes gives you a goal to achieve

How can these be a benefit of pole dancing?

Like any physical activity, you'll find with time that much like your body, your mind will also become stronger and more resilient. With goals to achieve and new skills to learn, your memory, focus, and mood can be improved through joining the pole community.

From fulfilling friendships, motivating friendly rivalries, and the support of others in the group, joining this community is a great way to boost your mood and find joy! 

What's the best way to introduce myself to the community?

If you are a total newbie or have a bit of experience, the best way to join in the fun is by learning about the schools, pole lesson clubs, and groups around you. Once you have an idea about the community in your area, you can join in the fun and find some classes that suit you.

You'll find that most schools are incredibly welcoming, and have a wealth of knowledge to share. Joining a class at your skill level will help you to fit in, and if you want to go a step further you can enquire about the demographics of the classes offered to see if you feel more comfortable!

Whether you want to make more mature friends, join a male-centred class, or are looking for a mum and bub friendly class, there is usually something nearby for you!

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